for a clearer future

Eye Lasers in Izmir

Everyday people put a strain on their poor eyesight. Some find it annoying that you are so dependent on your glasses or contact lenses and others find the constant insertion of contact lenses annoying and dislike wearing your glasses for aesthetic reasons.

However, laser eye surgery has long been part of the norm and has helped thousands of people to have an almost perfect vision. With our partner clinics in Izmir you can get laser eye surgery for a good price by specialized doctors.

With the current state of research and the medical possibilities, you can realize your wishes and ideas with minimal risk.

The specialist skills at All in Esthetic work closely with the partner clinic in Izmir to support you from day one.

Are you one of those people who suffer from weak seas?

Dare to take the step to laser eye surgery and a new you. Do not hesitate to trust All in Esthetic with your concerns.

We will be happy to advise you in detail and, after consultation with our partner clinic, address all of your ideas in a free information meeting.

how is eye structured?

When light hits the eye, it first breaks through the cornea of ​​the eye. Behind it is the iris, also called the iris, and the lens. This is surrounded by the so-called ciliary muscle, which ensures that the lens can be actively deformed and the angle of refraction changes. This makes it possible to see clearly at different distances. Behind the lens is the glass body, in which there is a water-like liquid.

The inside of the eye is also called the retina or retina. The light information arrives there. The choroid and dermis lie over the retina. The macula (“yellow spot”) is located exactly on the back of the eye. In this region the photoreceptors are particularly numerous.

That is why this is the place of sharpest vision. The fovea lies in the center of the macula. A little below the macula, the optic nerves are passed on from the retina to the brain. There are no photoreceptors at this point, which is why the region is also called the “blind spot”.

If you suspect that you are nearsighted, you may be familiar with symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating.

You may also constantly close your eyes or recognize faces and people late. People who suffer from farsightedness often hold things further away or move away from the object being viewed.

Headaches, signs of fatigue and burning or itchy eyes can also occur here. If the farsightedness is not recognized in time, those affected can also start to squint.

In a healthy person, the light is refracted by the optical apparatus in such a way that it focuses as precisely as possible on the macula. If you have poor eyesight, this is no longer possible due to the deformation of the eyeball.

Nearsightedness (myopia) occurs when the focus is in front of the fovea, the image appears blurred. So the eyeball is too long for things that are further away.

Exactly the opposite is the case with farsightedness (hyperopia). Here the eyeball is too short and the projected image is focused behind the retina.

While nearsightedness is displayed with a minus in front of the diopter number, there is a plus in front of it for farsightedness.

surgical methods

There are various methods of laser eye treatment. These differ mainly with regard to the preparation of the cornea for laser treatment: with or without a cut.

The cutting methods include LASIK and its further development, Femto-LASIK.

With LASIK, the surgeon cuts the uppermost corneal surface with a special instrument and folds the resulting part of the cornea to the side.

After the operation, he closes this corneal lid again for optimal wound healing.

The Femto-LASIK only differs in at the choice of cutting instrument: in this method the doctor uses a so-called femtosecond laser. With both methods, patients are usually pain-free after treatment because of the flap.

These procedures are particularly recommended for patients with a thicker cornea. In the methods without incision, a distinction is made between LASEK, PRK, no-touch PRK and Epi-LASIK.

They are suitable for patients with less corneal thickness. With the LASEK method, the doctor puts an alcoholic solution on the top layer of the cornea and pushes the top layer of cells aside before the laser is used.

After the procedure, he pushes it back again. The PRK is the oldest recognized procedure. Here too, the top layer of cells in the cornea is removed with a knife.

The no-touch PRK is a further development in which the practitioner removes the corneal layer with the help of the so-called excimer laser.

The last procedure without a cut is the Epi-Lasik . With the help of a microkeratome, the surgeon pushes the top layer of the cornea aside and folds it back after the operation.

Laser treatment is a very tried and tested and very safe procedure with a security of almost 100%. However, as with any procedure, complications can arise. Temporary side effects – i.e. those occurring immediately after the operation – can include a feeling of dryness or a foreign body.

Some people are more sensitive to light after the procedure than before or their vision is slightly blurred. Furthermore, eyesight can be impaired at dusk.

If you see wreaths of rays around light sources, this is also a temporary impairment. As with any procedure, there can be problems with the cornea’s healing process, which can manifest itself in inflammation or infection.

If you have both eyes lasered several days apart, you may see double images in the time between the operations or you may get a little dizzy.

Permanent impairments include, for example, a slight loss of contrast vision and increased sensitivity to glare, especially at night. It can happen that your vision has been corrected too little or too much. In this case, a new operation may be necessary. If you have a rather thin cornea, you have an increased risk of bulging. Very rarely, the lacrimal gland can fail, which leads to permanently dry eyes.

After the treatment you should under no circumstances apply make-up (mascara!) Or water in the eyes in the area of ​​the eyes.

Accordingly, a visit to the swimming pool or sauna should also be avoided for the time being.

Exercise is also taboo at first if you sweat a lot. In the first time after the treatment you should neither rub nor scratch your eyes.

Theoretically, you can drive again a few hours after the operation, but you should really be sure that you are not endangering road traffic!

Ideally, you can see clearly again a few hours after the procedure.

The goal of laser eye treatment is to completely restore vision. However, in some cases it can happen that the poor eyesight is only partially corrected and then, for example, glasses with lower strength than before the procedure are necessary.

Even after laser treatment, your vision can deteriorate again, mainly due to aging processes. In this case, you can have another treatment.

If laser surgery is not an option for you due to the type or level of ametropia, you can use an artificial lens. Here, too, there are different lenses and methods of surgery.